I am currently learning Mandarin Chinese,but only at school. I have an app on my phone (this is my iPad), that is is for Chinese only. Once you get past the first few lessons, it will get a little more difficult, depending on your "skill level". (Not an app feature). Its called ChineseSkill. When I tell people that Im learning Chinese and have an app for it, they say, "try Duolingo! Its free, and works great!" I tell them that my app is just fine, and they leave my alone. I feel like they might be getting paid to say that... Anyways, I though I might as well try it on my iPad, so I did. I started looking for the option for learning Mandarin in English. None. Nada. Líng. So I guess Ill just download ChineseSkill on my iPad instead. To anyone who is looking to learn Chinese from English, look somewhere else.