This App is excellent!! The smiling faces make me so happy!
This App is excellent!! The smiling faces make me so happy!
I love how easy it is to learn a new language! Its almost like playing and game. Current version has no problem running on iPhone SE.
Its amazing for learning a new language! I started about two months ago and Im already 14% fluent in a second language!
Make an option where you can turn the sound off and then its a 5 star app
Top of the top))
I feel the app is really helping me learn Spanish and my Mexican friends were impressed with it too.
I took Spanish in high school and college years ago, and Duolingo has helped me improve my Spanish proficiency after not using it for so long. It works if you use the app consistently. The only negative is I have a little trouble when Im supposed to repeat sentences. In some cases, Im told that Im saying things incorrectly even when I know theyre correct. Id love it if Korean were one of the languages offered.
This app is great but you need to have learn korean on it plz
This app is amazing it has helped me learn french easily, I dont see one flawn in this app ❤
Duolingo is a gift to the world. Studying, learning and knowing each others languages draws people closer, allows us to share ideas and learn about each others cultures. Many people do not have the luxury of learning another language in a formal setting or can not afford or do not trust that they would use software if it was available to them. Duolingo provides an incremental approach that builds confidence and incentivizes learning. I highly recommend Duolingo for anyone seeking to learn a language or to improve grammar, pronunciation and other skill of a language you may have already studied.
This app is fun. It can get addictive.
This is a simple and effective app to use. Covers the basics and is fun. Very happy.
Great program. Fun to use. And I think it helps takes my stumbling Spanish to a whole new level.
This app is a great, easy way to learn or brush up on different languages.
Full of weird pictures that dont fit the questions. None or very minimal help is provided even on beginner levels.
There seems to be a problem with the bread question because I have written it correctly several times but it still will not let me continue to the next question and whenever I write the first part of the word it deletes it and I have to put it in after writing the rest of the word.
Im looking for a Korean app, but this was good for spanish
You earn gems, but once you run out of " health " you cant continue your lesson. I want to learn Spanish, but I cant get through one without having them stop me. ????
I have been studying French for 6+ years and added duolingo to my study mix to tune up the little details that make me more confident speaking French as a second language. I am also a college English instructor and I encourage my ESL students to use duolingo as well. Its a great, free app and we are all fortunate to have access to this information.
I loved your app. Plz add arabic as well