Ive always wanted to learn how to speak swedish. Duolingo has been a fun and effective way for me to learn. tack så mycket, Duolingo! :))
Ive always wanted to learn how to speak swedish. Duolingo has been a fun and effective way for me to learn. tack så mycket, Duolingo! :))
I found it easy and fun to use.
I am taking Dutch lessons and this is the PERFECT study tool. 5 stars all the way and I would recommend it to anyone regardless of experience. Fun and effective!
Love love love Duolingo, However, I want the red dot by the new chats to go away after I click the tab. It frustrates me. The new Duolingo club feature though is very good. My Guatemala mission team is using the club to motivate each other to learn more Spanish.
Its been pretty good so far. Very helpful.
This is at great way to learn at your own pace. You can review your lesson till you get it right. It works for me.
I am learning Spanish using Duolingo, and it has been great to have repetition and to hear the words spoken. My frustration is that it doesnt teach the "whys" behind the usage of tenses or phrases. And you only get to make 5 mistakes before you are kicked out of the lesson. Not having taken Spanish in school, this has become increasingly frustrating as Ive progressed through the lessons.
Ive been practicing French for a few months and I am noticing some pretty obvious improvement in my comprehension. Thanks for making this a free app!
Ive been using it for a few days, and I can speak somewhat in Danish. I have one problem with it, and it is that you cant strengthen your memory of any lessons without connection. However, this app is amazing and I have recommended it to multiple friends.
Helping to bring back my Spanish language skills and learn French!
I like it a lot!!!! It is builded in a smart way.
The methods used to teach and remember are clever and effective. Highly recommend.
Ive been using duolingo for a couple months now and enjoy my daily lessons. The only real improvement I can see is to add a flash card section. For example, it would be great to see a picture of household items or food that the user then has to say and/or enter the word(s).
Honestly the quality they have put into this FREE app blows my mind. I love it! My only lament is that they dont have Japanese..... yet! ;)
First of, l love this app, really affective way to learn a new language! I am learning Italian and German. But today, when I was practicing Italian, it told me my answer was wrong, but I was right, so I hit the "my answer was right" button. But then, later, it told me the same question! I told the same right answer and again, it said NO!!! And it did that 10 times, so please, fix it. Other than that, I suggest you get the app, it is awesome!?????
Reviewing my high school and college Spanish is going really well!
This app taught me all the basics of Spanish in a way that no book or online course could. After/during learning from duolingo you should learn grammar, structure and conjugations. But everything else is here. A must use app for the new / intermediate learner. Much better than Babbel and other products Ive tried
I just love this app!! It makes learning languages fun and addicting. Great fir beginners like me. I would recommend to anyone!!
I soo recomend this app,, its soo helpful and costs nothing!! Ive learned alot and its only my second day!! Im exited to learn more
This is a great app! Easy to use and fun. I like that the app gives you reminders to hit your daily goals so you dont fall behind in your learning. The only things I would change is not having capital letters in the answers because you always know what the sentence starts with without having to translate, the colour training shouldnt show the colours with the names because you dont have to translate to figure out what colour it is, and wish the colours and strength bars changed colours and levels after completing exercises. However, regardless of these minor things, this app is well on its way to help me learn French. Ive already been recommending it to friends and family.