This app is absolutely amazing. The information snaps. The only thing I dont like is that theres a limit on how many you can get wrong. I have to wait hours and hours on end which I dont like. Other than that this is a fantastic app
This app is absolutely amazing. The information snaps. The only thing I dont like is that theres a limit on how many you can get wrong. I have to wait hours and hours on end which I dont like. Other than that this is a fantastic app
The basics may need to be a bit more basic for languages like Russian, and the mic doesnt work well, but its still fantastic.
I dumped Facebook and instead of browsing nonsense when I have a free moment, I pickkup Duolingo. Ive been using it for about 5 months. Its been hugely helpful in learning Spanish, and now Im doing German. Its amazing what you can learn in just a few moments a day, and during short periods of down time when you might otherwise just be wasting your time in the echo chambers of social media. Do yourself a favor and learn a new language or two. Even if you dont become fluent, its very rewarding and great brain excercise. The app itself is well done and I enjoy using it.
This app did my dishes!
I think it works well for me. Especially with the daily reminders. Very helpful on my upcoming trips to Central and South America
I would recommend this app to anyone looking to learn. Its fun to play and it makes the languages easier to figure out :-)
The app is almost useless if you get an account with the health meter. If you are lucky enough to get an account without the health meter, its a great app. The health meter would lock me out if lessons for 20+ hours. Even after doing 5 reviews, I could only do lessons for about 10 minutes before being locked out again.
Very addictive, fun, working!
I have tried so many different apps! I cant believe how much better this one has been compared to a number of different community and college classes I have taken.
Would give this app 5 stars but hate that you can "run out of health" and then either have to hope that youve accumulated enough points to purchase more health or have to wait for your health to automatically regenerate. Im all for the extra motivation to do well but would much rather just get on with the learning ?
Id compare this app to Rosetta Stone. Pictures and audio are a good way to learn a language. The repetition is good too. Im liking it quite a bit for a free app. Thanks to the developers responsible for this level of help on so many languages.
I grew up in a multi-lingual family and took Spanish in High School. I do recommend Duolingo. I am improving, and I hope the company continues to improve the app. I am using it for my own practice and for my students. Their confidence is growing. I do like the different ways questions are formatted: translate a phrase, choose one, match word to picture, listen and translate, speak the words, choose words and place in order. The varied methods do work similarly to how children learn a language, but their understanding will only be basic. This app does help me practice, but I need instruction regarding conjugating before I am thrown in to answering questions and making translations. Without instruction, learners like me never make the correct uses permanent because we do not understand what we are to do and only retain what we did wrong. The wrong choice becomes the only thing we remember clearly, and we havent the tools to make the correction.
What a cool app, fun to use and the app keeps me coming back for more. Good app and keep the improvements coming.
I downloaded this app to start learning Portuguese. Now I want to learn Portuguese instead of going to work.
Definitely one of the best apps Ive downloaded period, actually helps to learn the languages you choose to.
Love this app! By the time I get to Spain in June - Ill be fluent!
Simple I cant change accounts because accidentally logged in as past account ?????????????????☄️
I love this program. When a new verb is introduced, one can click on it for a definition. Please add the infinitive to this definition so we will know if (in Spanish for ex) it is an "er" or "ar" or "ir" verb. I agree that you should skip the capitalization of the first word in the sentence to make it more challenging. Great work. Love the bots and hope for more! L.
Excelente app!!
Its a great game. Its fun and it works. I love that there is so many languages to choose from but there is one thing. It was sending me about 5 or 6 notifications a day so I turned them off but now the app still emails me everyday multihull times and Im thinking of deleting it because its getting annoying with all the emails